
by ClassDojo



ClassDojo ist eine schöne Kommunikations-App für Lehrer, Eltern und Schüler.

Ready to build an amazing classroom community?nnClassDojo is a beautiful, safe, and simple communication app for teachers, parents, and students. nn* Teachers can encourage students for any skill, like “Working hard” and “Teamwork”n* Teachers can bring parents into the classroom experience by sharing photos, videos, and announcementsn* Students can add their classwork easily to their own digital portfolios for their parents to seen* Teachers can also safely and instantly message with any parentn* Parents see their child’s updates at home, as well as a stream of photos and videos from schooln* All your favorite teacher tools, like Group Maker and Noise Meter, are now in one place!nnClassDojo helps teachers build a positive classroom culture by encouraging students and communicating with parents.nnClassDojo is free for everyone, and K-12 teachers, parents, students, and school leaders in over 180 countries have joined. It works on all devices, like tablets, phones, computers, and smartboards.nnSee how much people love ClassDojo at: the ClassDojo community today!